Showing posts with label Emily Dickinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emily Dickinson. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2009

Famous Relatives in the Gilbert Family

These are just a few of the famous people we are related to:
I refer to different members of the Gilbert family here.
Aquilla Gilbert married Elizabeth Butterworth they were the parents of
Simon Isaac Gilbert who was the father of
Aquilla Gilbert who was the father of
Ezekiel Gilbert married Jane McGuire and move to Brown Co. Kansas, they were the parents of William A. Gilbert who married Mary Jane Anderson the parents of
Julia Jacobia, Oliver, Ralph, John, Raymond, Willie & Alice Owen
Larry Gilbert

Alice Sayre (1541-1567)
was the mother of
John Wheeler and Thomas Wheeler
(1563-1644) (1561-1635)
John's son Thomas's daughter
Henry Wheeler Grace Wheeler
(1604-1644) (1594-1664)
Henry's son Grace's daughter
John Wheeler Mary Brooks
(1630-1694) (1628-1672)
John's son Mary's son
Thomas Wheeler Richard Norcross
(1660-1735) (1660-1745)
Thomas's son Richard's son
Benjamin Wheeler William Norcross
1685-1741 1715-
Benjamin's daughter William's son
Jane Wheeler Wm Norcross
1705-1770 1748-1803
Jane's daughter William's son
Elizabeth Butterworth Joel Norcross
1731-1806 wife of Aquilla 1776-1846
Gilbert b 1726
Elizabeth's son Joel's daughter
Simon Isaac Gilbert Emily Norcross
1754-1827 1804-1882
Isaac's son Emily's daughter
Aquilla Gilbert Emily Dickenson
1785-1870 1830-1885

Also through Alice Sayre's son Thomas Wheeler we are related to Franklin Pierce (same generation as Aquilla Gilbert and Emily Dickenson; also through this Thomas Wheeler line we have Julia Child whose grandfather Byron Weston is the same generation as Aquilla Gilbert; same line we have Stephen Crane whose grandmother Sarah Townley is the same generation as Aquilla Gilbert;
Jane Wheeler listed above as the great grandmother to Aquilla Gilbert. Jane Wheeler's mother was Elizabeth Clements 1680-1742. Following this family back we have her 24 Great Grandfather Johann Gutenberg 1398-1468 which would then be my 34 Great Grandfather.
Jane Wheeler's daughter listed above was married to Isaac Butterworth 1704-1747 who was the son of Isaac Butterworth 1673-1728. This Isaac 1673-1728 had a sister Hannah Butterworth who was married to a Webster. Following this family down we have Richard Nixon 1913-1994
Also, somewhere I have notes on how Walt Disney, the 2 George Bush's and others fit into all of this. More to be posted later.